Why Train with Us

Leaders describe Wildern Partnership as ‘a small SCITT with a big heart where trainees thrive’, and they are right. The ambitious initial teacher education curriculum is coupled with carefully crafted support for trainees. Trainees choose the SCITT based on its strong reputation locally and report it far exceeds their expectations. As one said, ‘It feels like a big teaching family, and I feel honoured to be a part of it.’ Ofsted, March 2022

If you enjoy the challenges that young children bring, then our Hampshire based teacher training programme is for you!

100% of our trainees are employed and all complete their year reflective and confident practitioners, eager to begin their career in teaching and who continue to do well throughout their professional journey.  


Secondary school teaching is a demanding but an incredibly rewarding profession. You’ll need the ability to inspire young minds along with a range of other skills to successfully carry out your role.   

One of the biggest attractions of teaching at secondary level is the variety of work involved. During a typical day you’ll teach a number of different classes made up of different year groups and these classes may contain pupils with various abilities, attitudes and experiences. You will make a difference every day to the children you  teach, irrespective of their backgrounds and circumstances.   

Teaching a subject that you enjoy and helping your pupils to find enjoyment in it too can be extremely satisfying.

Don’t be put off if your degree isn’t the subject you want to teach. Your degree may have relevant areas of focus and we will work hard with you, from point of application until well into your teaching career, on the development of your subject knowledge. In addition to the national Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) programmes we have developed our own bespoke provision to support our trainees.

The full time one year Secondary training programme commences in September. Successful completion of your training with us will result in QTS, along with a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) at Masters level. Bath Spa University, who make the award of the PGCE, are involved in the development and moderation of the PGCE assignments and the Quality Assurance of our programme.

Find out more about our programme structure and the training year.

Enrichment Subjects 

These are available for trainees who display an early competence in their main subject.  Further information can be found on the Enrichment Subject page.


The Wildern Partnership SCITT Partnership takes the wellbeing of its trainees very seriously.  Trainees and SCITT staff feel listened to and valued.  We work in partnership with the Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service to carry out checks for all trainees as well as a well-being and health questionnaire following registration.  From these checks and / or once on programme, there are a number of options available for you,  should you need an adjusted level of support.  

  • Reasonable Adjustments:  We have a strong and appropriate reasonable adjustment policy where trainees can discuss any medical, personal or learning needs they have with the SCITT Director or member of the SCITT leadership team.  Reasonable adjustments are recorded and put in place to support trainees both in school, during training and when working independently. 
  • Curriculum Mentors, School and SCITT Staff :  If you have any concerns, we operate an open door policy. Any member of your school or SCITT teams will listen and guide you appropriately. 
  • Professional Coaching:  This process can help you develop across a wide range of needs. Coaching has been known to boost confidence, improve work performance, and build effective communication skills.
  • Mental Health Triage:  Members of our SCITT team are adult mental health trained and can therefore triage any cited or emerging needs. 
  • Physical Wellbeing: physical activities incorporated into training days along with subsidised gym membership.
  • Educate and Celebrate: As a SCITT we aim to provide a climate in which all stakeholders show respect to each other and to all members of the community and promote good relations, recognising and respecting diversity.    Our equality and diversity policy is in place to support this.

SCITT or school staff may suggest you speak to your GP or the Education Support Partnership