
The Wildern Partnership SCITT programme aims to equip our trainees with the skills, knowledge and resilience needed to become the best teachers they can possibly be.

It is not just about “what” we do, but also “why” we do it.  Our vision for training teachers is about ensuring that the education system in our local and wider community, has highly skilled teachers who can support the progress, love of lifelong learning and life chances of all the young people they work with.

What kind of teacher do we want the Wildern Partnership Trainee Teacher to be?

Competent Subject Specific Practitioners

A Wildern Partnership teacher will:

  • Have both knowledge of, and a passion for, all aspects of their subject and its pedagogy.
  • Recognise the role and significance that their subject occupies in the wider educational curriculum.
  • Have a high level of substantive subject knowledge in order to teach all aspects of the subject curriculum; endeavour to develop substantive knowledge throughout teaching career.
  • Have a highly developed understanding of subject pedagogical knowledge; endeavour to continuously develop their practice in light of research.
  • Teach their subject in a way that allows students to value it, enjoy it and succeed.

Competent Classroom Practitioners

A Wildern Partnership teacher’s practice will:

  • Be grounded in the most reputable and respected research on effective curriculum and pedagogical practices to promote learning.
  • Be grounded on the most reputable and respected research of cognitive science on how learning occurs and the impact it has on practice.
  • Promote high standards of literacy, articulacy and numeracy, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject.
  • Be highly effective in promoting expected or better than expected progress for all students in their classes, over a sustained period of time.
  • Be appropriately adapted to ensure that all learners are able to access learning and succeed.

Consummate Professionals

A Wildern Partnership teacher will:

  • Exhibit the highest levels of professionalism in every interaction undertaken with both staff and students.
  • Effectively implement all national and school based policies in all relevant contexts.
  • Take an active role in promoting and modelling professional behaviours in all contexts.
  • Put the interests of the students at the forefront/ heart of everything that they do.

Reflective and Ambitious Practitioners

A Wildern Partnership Teacher will:

  • Be passionate about education and eager to create the best educational experience for all the students they teach.
  • Be highly aware of the importance of continuous reflection, evaluation and improvement of their practice.
  • Be eager to engage with reputable and respected research on effective curriculum and pedagogical practices, both generic and subject specific, to promote learning.
  • Deliberately seek out opportunities to develop their own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback they receive.
  • Have an appropriate grounding to be able to take on positions of responsibility in the future.

Highly Relational Practitioners

A Wildern Partnership teacher will:

  • Know their students well so that they are able to build and maintain positive relationships with students.
  • Have high expectations of behaviour, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Establish a positive and safe learning environment through effective planning, the building of relationships, establishment of routines and high expectations and the use of a range of strategies (such as praise, sanctions and rewards), consistently and fairly.
  • Use approaches which are appropriate to students’ needs in order to involve and motivate them.
  • Take responsibility for implementing the school’s behaviour for learning policy.
  • Highly aware of the signs of poor mental health and know how to direct students to appropriate support.