Meet the Team

Wildern Partnership Team

Jo Anderson – SCITT Director  / MFL Tutor

Jo has significant experience in developing and mentoring trainee teachers and working as an induction tutor for both trainees and early career teachers. In both roles, she has planned, delivered, evaluated and moderated training programmes in partnership with other primary and secondary schools, as well as Higher Education Institutions. Jo currently leads the cross phase SCITT programme which involves liaising with Partnership colleagues across Hampshire as well as external agencies, including the Department for Education and HEIs, in order to establish and quality assure training provision for ITT. Fluent in Spanish, and a speaker of German, Italian and French, Jo also works in the role of MFL tutor.  Jo is the External Moderator for three SCITTs in various diverse areas of the country and is a Mental Health First Aider qualified by MHFA England.

Sally Wheeler – Strategic Lead / Subject Phase Lead – Science

Sally is an assistant headteacher at Wildern School and for the last 6 years has held responsibility for professional development.  Prior to Wildern, she worked at a diverse range of secondary schools, developing her career from lead practitioner to advanced skills teacher (AST) and Director of Learning. Currently, her role focuses on developing teachers to gain a better understanding of what great teaching looks like and how this can be shared across the school and Wildern Multi Academy Trust.  She has worked strategically with the SCITT for the last 5 years.

Charyl Whiting – Primary Phase Lead / Curriculum Lead (for 23/24 only)

Charyl brings a range of experience from both the primary sector and adult education. Educated and qualified as a teacher in the United States and then as part of the overseas teacher training programme, Charyl has previously worked in both middle and primary schools with responsibilities for both mathematics and English, developing teaching assistant interventions and as a learning leader. Charyl’s curriculum interests and expertise include Religious Education, mathematics and diminishing the difference for disadvantaged pupils.

Dudley Jaynes – Primary Phase Lead/  Lead Mentor (for 23/24 only)

As an experienced outstanding Primary practitioner, Dudley was previously Deputy Headteacher at Abbotswood Junior School and was awarded his NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) in 2007. Prior to this, he was a Leading Maths Teacher for Hampshire and through this role delivered demonstration lessons across the county, provided maths training for teachers and LSAs and was engaged in action research. Dudley has experience in delivering Initial Teacher Training sessions for students at partnership universities, as well as holding national accreditation for mentors’ professional learning.

Shirlie Bickley – Administrator

Shirlie is an experienced business administrator with over 25 years in the education and health sectors.  She has led multi-functional teams across a variety of settings and now leads the MAT Professional Learning Team which includes the SCITT.  Shirlie is also, alongside the SCITT Director, a Mental Health First Aider qualified by MHFA England.  In her spare time, Shirlie enjoys wild swimming, cycling and running and spending time with the family.

Wildern Partnership Subject Phase Leads

Leah Crawford – Chair of the Quality Assurance Committee

Leah has many years experience as a Local Authority English Inspector/Advisor, working across primary and secondary phases. She currently leads the Thinktalk consultancy and is an Associate Tutor for the King’s College Let’s Think in English Cognitive Acceleration programme and is on Bob Cox’s team of Opening Doors consultants, widening access to classic poetry and prose.  She also teaches and studies at Winchester University.  Leah chairs the Quality Assurance Committee of the cross phase Wildern Partnership SCITT programme.

Penny Langford –  Subject Phase Lead – English

Penny has been working in Hampshire schools for the last twenty years. A practicing and highly experienced English teacher, Penny has held both leadership and consultancy roles in Hampshire Education. As a Curriculum Leader for English for eight years, she led her team of 20 teachers through a period of turbulent strategic change with the implementation of the National Strategy.  In her subsequent roles as an Advanced Skills Teacher and a Secondary English Consultant for the Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service, Penny has delivered a range of innovative training programmes on various pedagogical themes, including developing a discourse culture in the classroom and independent learning.

She is particularly experienced in coaching teachers to develop their own practice and often supports middle leaders in developing their team building skills.

Rachel Parkhouse – Subject Phase Lead – Maths 

As an experienced and outstanding practitioner, Rachel has worked in a range of schools in Hampshire, as well as abroad.  She has held the roles of assistant headteacher and advanced skills teacher with extensive experience for the development and implementation of successful mathematics teaching in schools.  She is currently based at Wildern school and is Senior Leader for Learning. Rachel works with the SCITT programme as a secondary mathematics tutor.

Tamsin Leyman – Subject Phase Lead – History

Tamsin started her professional working life in corporate finance marketing and in 2005 completed a PGCE in teaching secondary school history with University College Chichester.  She is subject leader for History at Testwood School and deputy of the Humanities Faculty. She is passionate about the teaching of history in schools and  committed to supporting and developing trainees.

Sarah-Louise Clarke – Subject Phase Lead – Design and Technology

Sarah-Louise started her career at The Romsey School having studied Theatre Design at Nottingham Trent University.  She is currently ECT Lead Tutor and Teacher of Design Technology at Woodlands Community College.