
Assessment of trainees’ progress is highly developmental, non judgmental and therefore allows trainees and all those involved in their development to reflect critically to make continual improvements to their practice. 

Trainee progress is reviewed at appropriate points throughout the training year, aligned with the Wildern Partnership SCITT’s curriculum thresholds. These benchmarks are fluid enabling trainees to be challenged to achieve greater depth, or supported appropriately to meet the benchmarks where progress is not in line with expectations. Approaches are adapted, mentors are supported, giving trainees every chance to succeed against the intended curriculum.  

Assessment is effective because it is curriculum based, ongoing and formative, focused on reflection and feedback designed to enable trainees to apply the intended curriculum to classroom practice. Mentors review progress formatively through discussion, focused target setting, lesson observation, training, lesson planning which coheres with the curriculum thresholds.  Feedforward draws on the content of the training curriculum and at each phase supports trainees in understanding how practice is informed and helpfully shaped by research and evidence. 

Summative assessment takes place at each Phase Review point and is moderated ensuring accuracy in judgments. External moderation and quality assurance systems allow the SCITT leadership team to pinpoint at phase reviews where the curriculum may need to be adapted in response to trainees’ needs, local and national context.