Subject Knowledge Enhancement

‘Over time, trainees make strong progress in acquiring the subject knowledge and skills to teach in their phases. They are well prepared for the classroom and wider school life.’ Ofsted, March 2022

Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) programmes are for trainees who need to refresh or extend their subject knowledge. National programmes are available for biology, chemistry, computing, design & technology, English, languages, mathematics and physics. As an Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provider we have created our own bespoke SKE programmes for our trainees; these are distance learning programmes for Secondary trainees and a combination of distance learning and face to face programmes for Primary trainees.

As an ITT provider, we will identify if you need to complete an SKE course as part of the interview and selection process.  If we feel you need to enhance your knowledge, we may offer you a teacher training place on the condition that you undertake an SKE course. This could be because your degree wasn’t in your chosen subject, but it was closely related, or you have an A level in the subject. Or it may be that you have relevant professional experience, and an SKE course will show you how to apply that to the curriculum and your teaching.

National SKE programmes are available all over England and can be viewed on the SKE course directory.  You will see from the SKE Course Directory that there are various options for this training.  Courses run from 8 to 28 weeks and the length of the course required will vary dependent on individual applicants existing subject knowledge however we do require your SKE to be completed prior to commencement of your training year.  National SKE programmes are face to face, online or a blend of the two.  We will discuss the various options with you once you have accepted a place on our programme.